Experience the soothing world of DIY home improvement with step-by-step instructions on a new website inspired by the ASMR sensations from my YouTube channel.
Level Up Healing
The Level Up Healing LLC website was designed and developed to help the Reiki practitioner reach more clients across the United States and improve their overall brand recognition.
Employee Directory
Created an employee directory by communicating with a third-party API (Random User Generator API) and listed the data in a grid with the employee's thumbnail image, full name, email and location.
Web App Dashboard
Built a beautiful, interactive dashboard complete with JavaScript-driven charts and graphs using advanced techniques including SVG graphics and user interface components that promotes interactivity and usability.
Game Show App
Utilizing Javascript, I created a browser version of “Wheel of Success,” a word guessing game that generates a random phrase that players will try to guess by entering different letters into the program.
Interactive Photo Gallery
Created an interactive, searchable gallery of photos using JavaScript and the CSS Grid Layout.
Mobile-First Layout
Designing web pages that look and function the same across multiple devices using HTML, CSS and responsive design.
Online Registration Form
Built a responsive, mobile-first registration form using a variety of HTML form input types and attributes.
View the collection of badges I earned through Treehouse that represent my experience, expertise and accomplishments in front-end web development.